Friday 3 February 2017



please don't blame if it is weird!!!hahah!!
just kidding!!!

Sunday 15 January 2017

How A Culture Of Innovation On Campus Can Solve The College Graduation Gap??


This is Goutam Bharadwaj and i am here to share my views on 

How A Culture Of Innovation On Campus Can Solve The College Graduation Gap???

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Public's views on college education in recent times??
please go through the statistics given by public agenda on college education!!(Use this link to have short look on the statistics mentioned.)     

Yes!! Statistics given in the post had elaborated how the present world is facing the competition and the present education system .So, to scrutinize the contenders there need to be a check list prescribed ,in which graduation is one of the most important measure to describe an individual in present days.But myself i don't agree with this because there are many examples to give a counter intuitive such as Steve Jobs also Bill Gates (Harvard University dropout),Warren Buffet(who gained his knowledge through shrewd observation around his environment).this implies that graduation is not at all a matter whereas the thinking pattern of a particular individual matters and it is the first and best pre-requisite,whereas they are from X generation of course it worked out but the present day situation is too incongruile(competitive) ,where it made a bit tuff to scrutinize the contenders.So,the best option is to improve our graduation skills in an all-round development.For the coming younger generation this is one of the perfect pre-requisite.The better we get  graduated the better our life becomes easier,this is possible only by improving our innovative skills and management skills.Yes! it is required to improve our innovative skills which brings a reputation to our campus as well as to the individual.this will help us to clear or reduce the gap between the college graduation,also it will be helpful to create a culture of innovation on campus and there might be a great exchange of ideas and innovation among universities among the world which will create a new platform of another technological revolution and it is not as far as from us and  will happen in coming next 20 to 25 years where people get socialized and even more globalized and also there will be huge exchange of technology and innovative ideas.
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Since many years there are lots of notions regarding religion ,racism(blacks and whites).
Image result for images to show discrimination between blacks and whites
but this has to be eradicated because they cannot be of any use to the society or the individual and as they are the social barriers which are to be faced with some creativity rather than regular formula of protesting and agitations.this will be one the factor for improving our innovative skills and such type of social barriers should not override the graduates and their sagacity and wit.
This is one of the possible way to get our innovative outcomes from the individuals also university or the college should provide required amenities for the individuals to nurture their skills and to have an hawk-eye on the research and development.
In coming years culture of innovation will play a major role to fill the gap of college graduation.As there are many drop outs and also people who are not graduated well are being taken over by UIA( "University Innovation Alliance" )which is a tremendous initiative to be appreciated for their service and contribution for innovation and for research and development.